Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Question to be answer desicion to be make..

there is new incident each day,
incident that can make you turn upside down,
turn you away from your normal self,
which make you extra ordinary mad.
not only that there is also incident that make you sad,
the incident which when you heard,
it breaks your heart into pieces.
there is time where you dunno what to do,
as every step taken has its risk,
a risk which will make a big different,
a different which concern all the structure,
the structure of your life and also others,
this is where every step taken will bring to a damage,
all that can be done is only to make the damage most little,
even the damage is the most minimum,
its still concern as the minimum damage of all,
is also a large one as it will break up every relationship,
ever created before,
is it right to take action for the sake of a person,
and thus destroying everything?
is it right to let it be,
and keep the hate in within and suffer on your own?
is it right to just ignore every happening around you,
and let it be solve with time,
as it concern the person that raise you up,
the person that teach you more thing,
more than you mother can give you...?

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