Saturday, May 2, 2009

Feeling nice at home?

herm.. at home now juat back an hour before this is written. Knowing that there is a lot of happening that have to solve as i step out from the airport its really hurt cause i din't call home much so din't heard anything and reject some from call with the reason got test. Have to think a lot even in the holiday.. and its now only the first day of holiday cant even have a day of rest....wat a day. A time to make things up should be a day that is busier then my life in ump. Indirectly means more stress at home, holiday i don't think so at home its like a whole new war for me. Even feel happy cause can see family member but there is always things that have to be sort out when see them, things that can't be taken for granted easily. This is the worse case that i ever heard before so thinking of solving surely will be a headache. Hopefully all this will end in a correct way and will have a better holiday this time.

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