Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It is a torture this time of the semester, but this time the torture is double or more than that. Well i think i start to hallucinate and become unstable faster than usual. This week with all the assignment, report, test and most torturing of all final year project presentation and report. This week will be the last week of this semester before study week and final exam. After this weekend test there is a must to find paradise either to realise tension, stress or calm myself down. Hope to make it this weekend to the paradise....


  1. haiz..x time 2 read..dunno how 2 test tim..

  2. haiz...shooting time wat to do..don knw also hv to act knw ad..T.T

  3. ahaha~~~wah~~not dun know said dun know meh?and promise will check it out!!cannot pretending leh!!

  4. wah...test ne dun knw also have to write crab ad..wrong fomula? wrong concept? wrong calculation? wrong uderstandting? who cares anymore..
