Monday, September 27, 2010

Friendship is caught in the fire of Love

It's so near and yet its feel far,
There are to many uncertainty in this life,
That we need to ride and go though,
Even though i feel i am myself when i am having conversation,
Even though i am not afraid of telling everything,
Even though i feel i am safe being around him,
Even though i don't know what he wanted,
What he really is,
There is sort of feeling to fall for him,
And yet missing him the moment he is out of sigh,
There is time in life where fear come,
The fear to confess towards that special one,
Even though we don't know what will be the future,
And yet we are afraid to try,
Not because of the answer nor the result,
But future relationship,
We might be seeing each other each and every day,
And yet after this day we might started to avoid each other,
Either feeling afraid or become shy to each other,
A try might cause a huge disaster or a sweet time together,
Which has being store for you and me,
With doubt, which is the best yet to be?
To let it diminished or to chase after it?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


If you wake up every morning,
With more health then ilness,
You are more blessed than the million who won't survive the week.

If you have never expereinced the danger of battle,
the loneliness imprisonment,
the agonly of torture or the pags of starvation,
you are ahead of millions of people around the world

If you have food in your cupboard,
clothes on you, roof over your head and a place to sleep,
money in bank, in your wallet and spare change
in a dish someplace,
you are richer that most of the people of this world.

If you hold up your face with a smile and are truly thankful,
if you can hold someone's hand, hug them,
or even touch them on the shoulder,
you are blessed because majority can,
but most do not.

If you can read this,
this shows how luck and blessed you are,
comparing to people that cannot
people never realise how blessed are they,
compare to those that does not even know the word blessed.